[plt-scheme] Poor Man's FOOP
;;;;;;;;POOR MAN'S FOOP;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;I was inspired by the newLISP
;video demonstrations to build
;a system similar to theirs for
;Functional OOP.
;Unfortunately, I am still deficient
;in meta-programming skills so I must
;for the time being just describe
;my ideas as best I can.
;Here is some code:
(define (append-symbol sym1 sym2)
(let ((str1 (symbol->string sym1))
(str2 (symbol->string sym2)))
(string->symbol (string-append str1 str2))))
(define (-self- ls) (car ls))
(define (-state- ls) (cadr ls))
(define (-parent- ls) (caddr ls))
(define (-arguments- ls) (cadddr ls))
(define (->object . st)
(lambda (method-name . args)
(apply (eval (append-symbol '->object method-name))
(let ((self '->object)
(state st)
(super #f)
(arguments (car args)))
(list self state super arguments)))))
(define (->object:state . ls)
(list (-self- ls) (-state- ls)))
(define (->object:super . ls) (-parent- ls))
;;;;;;;;;more object methods could go here;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;more child classes could go here;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (:state object . args)
(object ':state args))
(define (:super object . args)
(object ':super args))
;;;;;;;;;more generic methods could go here;;;;;;;;;;;
(:state (->object)) ;-> (->object ())
(:state (->object 'size=medium 'weight=heavy 'color=black))
;-> (->object (size=medium weight=heavy color=black))
(:super (->object)) ;-> #f
;This is rather simple, I know. Ultimately, it would be nice to add inheritance to the mix.
;But even now, you can see that new generic methods will be added cheaply.
;Also, it should be clear that a little meta-programming and similar techniques can
;essentially automate and improve upon the poor man's method of copying and pasting
;to produce new classes. I hope this will spark a discussion about FOOP in PLT.