[plt-scheme] The perfect teaching language--Is this too much to ask for?

From: Gary Baumgartner (gfb at cs.toronto.edu)
Date: Sat Jun 13 20:32:59 EDT 2009

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 05:45:42PM -0400, Todd O'Bryan wrote:
> I'm starting to get really frustrated, because there are lots of
> languages that have some of what I want in a beginning language, but
> nothing that has everything. I'm beginning to worry that I'm going to
> have to design my own language--worry because I have neither the time
> nor background to do a good job of it.

Since the implementation takes time and background, it is part of
 the consideration. Are you thinking of that as minor in comparison
 to the design, else can you break down your worry a bit more into
 how much of it is about design, and how much of it is being able to
 implement the design?

> Here's what I'm looking for and
> I'm beginning to be afraid that the intersection of this set is empty,
> not just because no one's thought to do it, but because I'm
> convoluting language layers in an impossible way.

That's a correct "open-minded" attitude.
> Here are my desiderata for a language to teach introductory
> programming, through at least data structures:

Your description of desiderata contains some detail, and you were
 probably hoping that, while imprecise, might trigger a pointer to
 something precise that you haven't heard of. It doesn't for me, nor

So, instead of working with your list, let's try a different angle I
 find useful in such discussions: take a concrete example/proposal,
 and try to evaluate its suitability. If some of the people involved
 are only responding to a request to satisfy the others' criteria,
 the others try also to fix the example / propose a different one.

To start, can you respond to my example of a parser language.
 More simply, just (the example of) specifying one in it:

  (cfg <start>
    (<start> (<digit> <digit> <start>)
    (<digit> ("0") ("1")))

How suitable is this? E.g., since you are now talking about 'types',
 would it be important that the resulting value be easily introspectable
 as a "CFG", and with what syntax? Of course since you were interested
 in parsing as an example of computation, how suitable is this syntax,
 and the resulting parser behaviour, for that? In particular, how would
 you want to express the above grammar and use the resulting parser?

> easily grokked syntax, a REPL, good
> libraries that let students explore stuff if they want to, etc

We're all, present company, I believe working on that, as you suspected,
 (i.e. it's not that we haven't thought of it). And, if I can presume
 to speak collectively but not as someone who can take credit for PLT,
 succeeding and proceeding much more than the average.

By the way, in case you are arguing for a certain unknown syntax,
 sexpressions have solved the syntax problem, to the extent that
 one wants an easily grokked syntax for *all* programming (i.e.
 algorithms, i.e. constructive mathematic). PLT has testimonials
 covering essentially all backgrounds, the theoretical complexity
 is provably low, and only people used to other universal notations
 who haven't spent the same amount of time with sexps, or people
 used to specific notations for *very* specific domains and a
 vanishingly (over time!) small number of programming applications,
 disagree. For more evidence, consider that for general 'data'
 definition alone, XML is the main competing proposal.

Of course good sub-syntax, if I can call it that, as e.g. Scheme
 macros specify, is specific to each domain, and talking about its
 absolute grokkability independent of its semantics is pointless.
 'Solving' it is as impossible/meaningless as making all meaning
 easily grokkable. In particular it would require unifying all
 special notations people consider natural in all specialized domains,
 and one would have to wonder why different human languages didn't
 converge to it. Before machines, no one was asking/searching for
 some 'easily grokkable syntax' for all constructive mathematics /

No one outside (naive) programming language design would consider that
 anything but absurd. And even they don't go that far, instead making
 an implementable claim that, sinces it's impossible to solve,
 "every line should be easily readable / understandable" out of context,
 by restricting it to certain primitives that appear syntactically in
 the line (i.e. aren't abstracted by macros, though for some reason
 classes, call-by-value functions, etc, are okay, with the exact mix
 depending on a designer's prejudice, for a particular calendar year).

But that's as absurd as saying that essays, specifications, etc,
 should be written in grade school language, with the ability to make
 definitions restricted in certain arbitrary ways (e.g. no "until",
 verbs and only certain kinds of nouns) and then philosophy essays
 would be easy to write, and children could read and understand them.
 The mistake is an exercise for the reader (though (almost?) no
 readers of this list), since at this point every one I've asked
 knows it *is* a mistake there, and then translating the mistake
 back to programming completes the exercise.

To close, let me double-check that you aren't expecting the language
 to do anything for you that it can't: no language will let students
 understand a parsing program for cfgs without understanding what a
 cfg is. It is *very* common, for students adapting to new syntax,
 to claim they "know how to program it", but just not the syntax.
 Experienced instructors know that this student inrospection is almost
 always false, and that once the algorithm is truly understood, with
 precision (to the level of mathematics / theory of CS), the student
 has no problem with the syntax (I've had countless examples of this,
 using diagrams, memory models, instructions for another human who
 doesn't know the purpose of the instructions, etc, and then when
 understood having the student exclaim "Oh!, then it's just [...]
 in [language X]."

I hope the length and content wasn't condescending, but the industry
 is so muddled on this point that the following comic is ineresting
 and/or funny to many:


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