[plt-scheme] Re: Draw and save coordinates on every mouse event on canvas?
oppss..I am sorry that I forgot to answer your question :( That
warning is written in document of "draw.ss".
On Jun 11, 1:55 am, Matthias Felleisen <matth... at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Here is a solution:
> #lang scheme
> (require 2htdp/universe)
> ;; World = [Listof (list Nat Nat)]
> (define mt (empty-scene 200 200))
> (define col "red")
> (define DOT (circle 3 "solid" col))
> (define (click w x y ke)
> (cond
> [(mouse=? "button-down" ke)
> (cons (list x y) w)]
> [else w]))
> (define (render w0)
> (local ((define (cnt w a) (foldl (lambda (f a) (list f (apply ln+
> f a))) a w))
> (define (dot s p) (place-image DOT (first p) (second p) s))
> (define (ln+ p q s)
> (add-line s (first p) (second p) (first q) (second q) col))
> (define dots (foldr (lambda (f r) (dot r f)) mt w0)))
> (cond
> [(empty? w0) mt]
> [else (second (cnt (rest w0) (list (first w0) (dot dots (first
> w0)))))])))
> (big-bang '() (on-mouse click) (on-draw render))
> But this solution will give you away in case this is homework. To
> prove that this isn't homework, you need to point us to the place
> where our manuals recommend using world.ss.
> -- Matthias
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 6:53 AM, Captain___nemo wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am newbie in scheme, just started yesterday. So, please don't mind
> > if I am overlooking anything simple.
> > I want to draw circular points on every click on the drawing window
> > (or canvas). Also I want to save the coordinates in an array. After
> > every click a connecting line should be drawn (from last point) and so
> > on.
> > Now, I don't understand how I should put a canvas. As I can see in
> > Dr.Scheme manual , it is recommended to use world.ss. But I don't
> > understand how will I get the coordinates and save in an array? Also
> > how that line can be drawn?
> > Any suggestion is appreciated.
> > Thanks in advance.
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