[plt-scheme] SchemeUnit confusion
In the latest SVN, I have the following program in the Definitions window.
#lang scheme/base
(require (planet schematics/schemeunit:3)
(define BLAH
"An example suite"
#:before (lambda () (display "Before"))
#:after (lambda () (display "After"))
"An example test"
(check-eq? 1 1))))
Then I try
> (run-tests BLAH)
in the Interactions window and get:
foldts: Don't know what to do with #(struct:schemeunit-test-suite ...
An example suite #<procedure:the-tests>
#<procedure:...unit.plt/3/4/base.ss:43:17>). It isn't a test case or
test suite.
What am I doing wrong?