[plt-scheme] Student parsing problem
On Jun 3, 2009, at 11:40 AM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> On Jun 3, Felix Klock's PLT scheme proxy wrote:
>> [...]
> I find it hard to justify either comments or whitespace after quotes
> etc even in "hacker mode" -- the only reason would be to conveniently
> comment out an expression, which is redundant when there's `#;' now.
Eli, you're quite right for comments or whitespace immediately after
an INTENTIONAL quote. But it's really easy to type a quote or a
backquote accidentally and not notice it because it's only a few
pixels, and possibly many lines away from the code you're paying
attention to. As I understand it, the student problems that
triggered this thread were exactly such typoes.
I'm reminded of a similar bug I ran into in college: I was writing in
Pascal, compiling and running on an IBM mainframe, and about twenty
lines of my program were mysteriously not happening. It turned out
that I had a comment whose closing delimiter was in character
positions 73-74 of the line, and since the compiler had originally
been written to work with punch cards, it reserved character
positions 73-80 for card serial numbers. So it blithely kept
commenting for the next twenty lines until it saw a close-comment
delimiter in the part of the line that it liked.
> But:
>> #;; This is our great code.
>> ;;; ...
> I *do* find mixing comments useful -- either `;' in a `#;' or the
> other way. For example:
I've been using
(define (function-for-lon numbers)
; numbers lon
(cond [(empty? numbers) ...]
[(cons? numbers)
; numbers nelon
; (first numbers) number
; (rest numbers) lon
; (function-for-lon (rest numbers)) whatever
in my textbook. The idea is that you can copy-and-paste the stuff
between the #|...|# every time you want to write a new function on
lists of numbers, and it comes complete with commented-out inventory.
Now that I know about #;, I think I have some rewriting to do....
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu