Coding style best practices (was: Re: [plt-scheme] Scheme program to serve files over HTTP)
On Jul 28, Amit Saha wrote:
> > - In larger programs you'll want to record types in comments. E.g.:
> >
> > ;; serve : Integer -> (-> Void)
> > (define (serve port-no)
> > (define listener (tcp-listen port-no 5 #t))
> > (define (loop)
> > (accept-and-handle listener)
> > (loop))
> > (define t (thread loop))
> > (lambda ()
> > (kill-thread t)
> > (tcp-close listener)))
> >
> serve : Integer -> (-> Void)
> So this indicates a procedure by the name 'serve' taking a Integer
> parameter and a 'Void' return type? However, here I am returning a
> procedure, right ?
It's a function by the name of `serve', that takes an integer and
returns a (-> Void) value. This value that is returned is itself a
function too (it has an arrow), it takes the argument types on its
left (no arguments), and returns void. And that's exactly what your
code is doing.
> Also, how would I specify more than one parameter? like serve : Integer,
> Integer-> (-> Void)
Just like that, except that we don't use commas.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay: Maze is Life!