[plt-scheme] Guessing the file type?
Hello Jay,
Jay McCarthy wrote:
> make-path->mime-type takes a path to the MIME database (such as
> /private/etc/apache2/mime.types on OS X) returns a procedure than when
> given a path will return the mime type. It is basically building a
> cache to get mime types fast.
Great. On my Ubuntu Linux:
> ((make-path->mime-type "/etc/mime.types") (build-path
"/home/r00t/Music/" "m.mp3"))
does it.
Now wondering: How would I go about writing code, such as this- to work
on Linux as well as say, a Mac OSX ?
Thanks a ton, already.
> Jay
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Amit Saha<lists.amitsaha at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Amit Saha wrote:
>>> Jay McCarthy wrote:
>>>> On Unix/OS X there is a program called 'file' that works pretty well.
>>> Yep. I was looking for a plt-scheme interface..
>>>> Also, if you use the mime type library in the PLT Web server, it uses
>>>> the system database of file extensions to return a mime type.
>>> Yeah..I came across this. However, I thought of consulting the list to
>>> enquire if there was another way..
>> I have used 'make-path->mime-type' which gives back a procedure for the
>> relevant MIME type. For eg:
>>> (make-path->mime-type (build-path "/home/r00t/Music/" "m.mp3"))
>> #<procedure:...rivate/mime-types.ss:9:44>
>> Not sure, how can I obtain the MIME type now? I can see: make-get-mime-type
>> : path? -> path? -> bytes? in private/mime-types.ss. Again not sure, how it
>> can be used..
>> Please suggest.
>> Best,
>> Amit
>> --
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