[plt-scheme] grid or spreadsheet GUI widget

From: Doug Williams (m.douglas.williams at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jul 24 10:00:22 EDT 2009

I have a table-panel% on PLaneT that I use. This aligns GUI elements into a
grid pattern. It may meet your needs.



2009/7/24 Ivanyi Peter <pivanyi at freemail.hu>

> Hi,
> I will need a grid or spreadsheet style GUI widget in my
> application. I have some ideas and some preliminary work.
> However I would like to ask two questions:
> - Is it possible to position some sort of an editor% or text%
>  in a canvas%? I am thinking of pixel positioning. I thought
>  I would need this to easily edit a cell and I could avoid
>  implementing an edit box.
> - Is it possible to create this GUI widget with some snips?
>  If yes, can someone point me to a similar usage of snips?
>  Somehow I still do not fully understand the use of snips. :-(
> Thanks,
> Peter Ivanyi
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