[plt-scheme] question about lift-strict in frtime
Many thanks for the quick reply.
Gregory Cooper wrote:
> Hi Chongkai,
> Data constructors in FrTime do not implicitly propagate reactivity
> (they are not "lifted"), so, for example, (list 1 seconds) evaluates
> not to a behavior but to a list containing a behavior:
> (list 1 seconds) : List[Bhvr[Integer]]
I see.
> Although structures with behaviors "nested" in them like this are
> important, it doesn't really make sense to apply "lift-strict" to
> them. (They're not behaviors, and projecting their current values has
> no effect.) Instead, for lifting you typically want a value where all
> the reactivity has been "raised" to the top level. There are two ways
> to accomplish this:
> 1. Create data with lifted constructor applications, as you've done.
That's not a good option. I just found it as the only way to make things
work. The goal is to use quasiquote / unquote to construct those
structures, thus keeping syntax overhead minimal.
> 2. Apply "raise-reactivity" to data before "lift-strict"ing a procedure over it.
That's good because it keeps the syntax overhead low. The only glitch is
that "raise-reactivity" is not provided by the frtime language. I found
it in frtime/mzscheme-core with v4.2 but it is now called
frtime/lang-core. Could I ask why it is not provided?
> However, for normal use, lifting is only really intended for
> procedures that consume simple data. Thus I'd prefer another option
> altogether, which is to define any such structure-consuming procedures
> in FrTime instead of Scheme. Then you shouldn't need to do any
> lifting at all...
That's not a solution either. The procedure here is intended to work
with "#lang scheme" first, and be able to work with frtime (be lifted)
> Greg