[plt-scheme] GUI guides?

From: Hugh Myers (hsmyers at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jul 6 21:53:09 EDT 2009

Here in rather crude form is an example of using the GUI for a pop-up

(define (cb)
  (define f (new frame% [label " Chess Board"]
                 [style (list
  (define c (new editor-canvas% [parent f]
                 [style (list
  (define t (new text% [line-spacing 0]))
  (send f create-status-line)
  (send c set-editor t)
  (send t change-style (make-object style-delta% 'change-size 24))
  (send t change-style (send (make-object style-delta%)
                             set-delta-face "Chess Leipzig"))
  (list f c t))

(define r (cb))

(define (sb [txt "Initial Position"])
  (send (third r) select-all)
  (send (third r) clear)
  (send (third r) insert (board-gui))
  (send (first r) set-status-text txt)
  (let-values ([(w h x y)
                 (send (second r) get-dc) get-text-extent "22222222"
                 (make-object font% 24 "Chess Leipzig" 'symbol))])
    (send (first r) resize
          (inexact->exact (+ 15 w))
          (inexact->exact (+ 55 (* 8 h)))))
  (send (first r) show #t)

(define (sb-dbl [txt "Initial Position"])
  (send (third r) select-all)
  (send (third r) clear)
  (send (third r) insert (board-gui-dbl))
  (send (first r) set-status-text txt)
  (let-values ([(w h x y)
                 (send (second r) get-dc) get-text-extent bottom-dbl-border
                 (make-object font% 24 "Chess Leipzig" 'symbol))])
    (send (first r) resize
          (inexact->exact (+ 15 w))
          (inexact->exact (+ 55 (* 10 h)))))
  (send (first r) show #t)

This allows either a simple form with out font border (sb) or one with
an algebraic border. A 'real' version will remove the duplicate code
and allow feeding positions etc. This exists to explore the GUI

Still a fair amount of questions on my shopping list so I shall forge ahead.



On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
> When it comes to sizing an window/editor etc at least part of the
> solution  is  the following:
>  (send f resize 200 200)
> Which will work quite nicely.
> --hsm
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just noticed a slight hitch to such re-sizing.
>> 1. no set-width or set-height
>> 2. not even the old 'reposition-window' standby that is used mostly to
>> resize a window and only sometimes to actually move the silly thing.
>> Since such things are required, under what name would I find them?
>> --hsm
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Printing will be done in postscript where such information isn't
>>> needed. Not quite sure why I'd want to play with a print dc but
>>> obviously if I were going to I'd use the correct source. Not sure why
>>> I'd use globals either--- what I need can be computed at point of need
>>> just fine. Width of full line of text in a chess board remains
>>> constant so only needs to be computed just before showing the window.
>>> --hsm
>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:03 AM, Robby
>>> Findler<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>>>> That's a fine way to sizing the window, but if you want to print the
>>>> window, that sizing information will be wrong.
>>>> Generally, you want to abstract over the dc for all drawing (maybe
>>>> you've done that already) and then just pass in the appropriate that
>>>> you get from the system (usually from the get-dc method of a canvas%,
>>>> the on-paint method of editor<%> or the print method of an editor<%>).
>>>> Just be careful you don't use a global values that are computed from
>>>> the wrong dc.
>>>> Robby
>>>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good point. Are you saying this is the wrong approach to correctly
>>>>> sizing a window displaying a chess font? If so what would you
>>>>> recommend?
>>>>> --hsm
>>>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 10:00 PM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> The key to width of text is:
>>>>>>> (define dc (send c get-dc))
>>>>>>> (send dc get-text-extent "123456787" (make-object font% 24 "Chess Adventurer" 'symbol))
>>>>>> 264.0
>>>>>> 32.0
>>>>>> 0.0
>>>>>> 0.0
>>>>>> This while the dc in question exists...
>>>>>> --hsm
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Added to list:
>>>>>>> Care and feeding of Status Line---a subject worth a guide in of itself:
>>>>>>> Create a status line
>>>>>>> Open a status line
>>>>>>> Write to a status line
>>>>>>> Close a status line
>>>>>>> Remove a status line
>>>>>>> Note that the overall status line is partitioned into writable areas.
>>>>>>> For instance for a chess board, I would want to show the move text,
>>>>>>> the move number and the move ply (move number without regard to color;
>>>>>>> ply 1 is move 1 as is ply 2 [white's move followed by black's move
>>>>>>> etc.]). Perhaps also information on castling, draw information etc. An
>>>>>>> example rich environment.
>>>>>>> --hsm
>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Hugh Myers<hsmyers at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the pointer to dc% What you mention seems like a logical
>>>>>>>> (heaven forbid) arrangement given the concepts involved. Having
>>>>>>>> survived the age of roll-your-own gui (usually text), original
>>>>>>>> windows, and then MFC this should be just another notch in my
>>>>>>>> gui-belt. Even as we e-speak I'm in the middle of investigating frame%
>>>>>>>> which has some of the answers in my shopping-list. I think one of the
>>>>>>>> things that will be in my version of 'GUI Editor Guide' will be a list
>>>>>>>> of what all can be set/modified for a given window. Sometimes it is
>>>>>>>> easier to pick and choose from such a list than to comb a detailed
>>>>>>>> reference--- I think as a guide, this approach might be the one to go
>>>>>>>> with.
>>>>>>>> --hsm
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 6:51 PM, Ryan Culpepper<ryanc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hugh Myers wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Am solving some of these as I try and think of questions to ask. Some
>>>>>>>>>> of the answers raise questions about what is or isn't do-able. For
>>>>>>>>>> instance given fixed width symbol font (like all chess fonts) it would
>>>>>>>>>> be nice to ask how wide and how tall a given text string is. This
>>>>>>>>>> could be used to 'size' the window before display. Nothing I've seen
>>>>>>>>>> yet even hints that this is possible, yet it seems quit reasonable.
>>>>>>>>> I think you want 'get-text-extent' in 'dc<%>' (drawing context).
>>>>>>>>> Here are some rough guidelines:
>>>>>>>>>  - 'editor<%>' and 'text%' deal with the text, its styles, modifications to
>>>>>>>>> the text, high-level display concerns (word wrapping, visible/ region, etc).
>>>>>>>>>  - 'canvas<%>' and 'editor-canvas%' deal with the gui concerns: dimensions
>>>>>>>>> of the editor widget, its auxiliary gui elements (scrollbars), etc.
>>>>>>>>>  - 'dc<%>' deals with rendering issues, like how big a string in a
>>>>>>>>> particular font will be rendered on screen.
>>>>>>>>> Browsing those classes and interfaces is a good way to get an idea of what
>>>>>>>>> functionality is available and how it's provided. Remember to look at the
>>>>>>>>> superclasses and superinterfaces, too.
>>>>>>>>> Ryan
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