[plt-scheme] Macro rule selection
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:44 PM, James Coglan <jcoglan at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > I just started learning Scheme and am also trying to implement it,
> In what language are you implementing it?
Ruby, code here: http://github.com/jcoglan/heist
I took the implict contract here to be the fn will always be a
> multiple-arity function; so you can leverage apply and it saves you
> one rule.
Taking this with Eli's examples:
(let ([x 4])
(! x (compose square add1))
(list 'x= x))
(let ([x 4])
(define foo (compose square add1))
(! x foo)
(list 'x= x))
I can see how this would be dangerous (like I said, I'm playing with
features rather than building rock-solid code right now). Maybe a better
idea is:
(define-syntax ! (syntax-rules ()
[(! x fn arg ...)
(set! x (fn x arg ...))]))
Then you wouldn't get into trouble trying to do this:
(! x (compose square add1))
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