[plt-scheme] Similarity checking
On Jan 25, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Ivanyi Peter wrote:
> Hi all,
> Maybe someone has developed a code or concept that I could use.
> I teach quite a few students.
> They have to write tests and hand in homeworks. It seems to me
> that nowadays it is a tendency, that they track down who has the
> same problem and they share the results, the programs.
> (Recently I have seen quite a few high tech to do this.)
> They are smart to change for example the variable names and
> some bits, but of course not the whole program. So I would like
> some help from a program and check automatically the handed in
> programs for plagiarism or similarity.
> Is there any code which can compare Scheme programs? Or maybe
> compares programs with a subset of Scheme?
> Has anybody heard or thought about it?
> I am thinking along the line to parse in the program to have some
> binary tree, but I am not sure how to do "fuzzy"-style comparison
> on them.
> I would appreciate any suggestion.
Check out Alex Aiken's "MOSS" (measure of software similarity)
system. I've used it successfully for several years. It does pretty
much exactly what you describe.
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