[plt-scheme] Another MysterX patch: GetActiveObject functionality
Hi all,
I've made a small MysterX patch to add GetActiveObject functionality.
With this patch, if you want to get hold of an Excel.Application object
(for example), you don't have to go to the trouble to create one of
those objects if Excel is running (and it will take a small fraction of
the time).
I'm using MysterX to automate AutoCAD through MzScheme and AutoCAD takes
around 1 minute (or more) to start using cci/coclass. For what I'm
doing, I can just take the running AutoCAD application, and that (with
GetActiveObject) will take only 0.5 seconds ;-)
This patch adds two functions:
and its short name: cgao/coclass
I can live without the short name, I just thought about abbreviating it
like cci/coclass.
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Name: mysterx-GetActiveObject.patch
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