[plt-scheme] Keybinding question
Hi all,
I'm trying to set up an alternative keybinding for the "collapse-
space" command (it defaults to "ESC;space" on OSX - I'd like to have a
single press).
So far I've got the code below. I think it doesn't work because
"collapse-space" isn't a registered function in the keymap:
(module mykeys (lib "keybinding-lang.ss" "framework")
(require drscheme/tool-lib)
(lambda (editor event)
(message-box "Hi" (format "~a" (send (send editor get-keymap)
(raise #f)
(send (send editor get-keymap) call-function "collapse-space"
editor event #t))))
I imagine I'm probably going about this the wrong way. I've tried a
couple of approaches and I always fall at the getting-hold-of-collapse-
space hurdle.
Can anyone help?
Many thanks,
-- Dave
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