[plt-scheme] Exporting from an already-written module?
Quoth Robby Findler:
> You can cut the first three lines out of the file (by a script that
> just transforms an input port directly from the file into an input
> port that doesn't have those lines).
Ah, this is promising (if crude), but now it doesn't seem to know about
check-expect, which evidently is in htdp-beginner but not pretty-big...?
> But may I ask why you want to do this?
Scriptable testing of student code. I guess I should have asked for
that more directly; surely someone has already done this. Basically I
have my test cases in one file and I'd like to quickly run them on each
student file, which may or may not itself also have test cases.
-=-Don Blaheta-=-dblaheta at knox.edu-=-=-<http://faculty.knox.edu/dblaheta/>-=-
"Verbs don't work! Verbs don't work!" --Andrew McClain