[plt-scheme] Scheme projects in my undergrad CS course

From: Shriram Krishnamurthi (sk at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Sat Jan 10 17:33:05 EST 2009

Hi Fred,

Thanks for the great second report!

As for codewalks, have you considered doing this by talking in class
about some students' code, anonymously?  I posted at some length about
this on our plt-edu list; not sure if you're a member or caught that
discussion.  (I can re-post/re-write if there's interest.)

I wonder if the students who had the data-sharing-with-C++ problem
used the current FFI?  Or were they trying to do things more manually?

Finally, have you considered writing up a report about this for the
Scheme and Functional Programming 2009 Workshop?  I imagine the PC
would be very interested in hearing this experience report!


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