[plt-scheme] Errors from Snooze Quick Start
2009/1/6 Dave Gurnell <d.j.gurnell at gmail.com>:
> However, the unparenthesised approach requires further thought. One approach
> would be to store a default alias in the entity metadata and lift entities
> and accessor procedures at run-time (neat but slower):
> (sql:select #:what (list person-name) #:from (sql:inner person ...)))
I'm not sure what you mean by 'lift' in this context. The
implementation I was thinking of was to give aliases (which I assume
are structs) the prop:procedure property so that they act as
accessors, and use those as a replacement for the original accessors.
That surely has a run-time cost as well though.
> Thank you for the injection of fresh ideas!
It was fun, I hope they are helpful!