[plt-scheme] Scribble "SCHEMEBLOCK" that doesn't interpret Scribble markup
Matthew Flatt wrote at 02/24/2009 06:57 PM:
> At Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:23:30 -0500, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>> I could use a variation on Scribble "SCHEMEBLOCK" that takes the
>> contents verbatim -- no interpretation of "@", "{", etc.
>> What's the best way to do this?
> @verbatim|{
> This is }}@really{{{{ verbatim.
> }|
I want the content to be formatted as Scheme code, with all the coloring
and such. So, the following doesn't work:
(foo (@ that-was-not-scribble-markup))
Do I need to use my own "define-code" form that doesn't involve
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