[plt-scheme] Check for function equality?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 19 17:24:00 EST 2009

So your conjecture is

    forall (x natural-number?) (equal? (g-fives-closed-test x) (g- 
fives-closed x))

Look for the QuickCheck package on planet, require it, and translate  
the above into a formal conjecture for QuickCheck.

Then try another conjecture for which you know it is false. See what  
happens there.

Otherwise, do look at Matthew's reply

On Feb 19, 2009, at 4:43 PM, dave yrueta wrote:

> Hi All --
> Is there a Scheme function similar to "check-expect" that tests for
> equality between functions?
> Example:
> ;23.3.2
> ;g-fives-closed : N -> number
> ;non-recursive version of g-fives
> ;(check-expect (g-fives-closed 3) 375)
> (define (g-fives-closed n)
>   (* 3 (expt 5 n)))
> ;23.3.4
> ;geometric-series : number number -> (number -> number)
> ;consumes two numbers start and s, produces a function representing
> the geometric series whose starting point is start and whose factor is
> s
> (define (geometric-series start s)
>   (local ((define (local-g-series n)
>             (* start (expt s n))))
>     local-g-series))
> (define g-fives-closed-test (geometric-series 3 5))
> ;test 1 = test passes
> (check-expect (g-fives-closed-test 3) (g-fives-closed 3))
> ;test 2 = test fails
> (check-expect g-fives-closed-test g-fives-closed)
> As far as I can tell, "g-fives-closed-test" and "g-fives-closed"
> differ in name only. I ran the same test with eq? and equal? and
> received the same results.  Any way to test for this kind of equality?
> Thanks,
> Dave Yrueta
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