[plt-scheme] Drscheme boost programs performance

From: Jesus Boadas (jboadas at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Feb 19 08:36:36 EST 2009

Hello great scheme comunity.

Im playing with DrScheme and thinking on it for migrate an application based
on XML-RPC web services and Desktops clients for a large distributed
network, I also get some UI demos and play with It, reading documentation
and looking for some answers, but (IMHO) I get a slow feeling response using
the UI aplications (like a feeling using a .NET application, no as bad as
java-vm but slow than C/C++), I always prefer robustness before performance
and DrScheme looks solid rock but I know how are the common-user and need to
ask if exist any way to compile native aplications with DrScheme or other
way to gain performance to change the feel of the UI, I know that DrScheme
can compile shared libraries to native code but also need a fast startup.

Best regards

Jesus Boadas
jboadas at gmail.com
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