[plt-scheme] you have a tough road ahead of you ; ; ; was Re: from hell to paradise

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 18 07:43:10 EST 2009

On Feb 18, 2009, at 12:45 AM, danprager at optusnet.com.au wrote:

> I've bitten the bullet and have made a start on htdp last night; I  
> am trying hard not to skip ahead.

If you are an experienced programmer, you should read HtDP like this:

  -- read the sections whose title starts with "Designing ...."
  -- also read the "iterative refinement" sections
  -- pick five exercises in the preceding and/or follow-up sections  
and solve them according to the recipe
  -- unless you're stuck move forward
  -- try to understand the "symmetry" between data definitions and  

I expect that somewhere around late part II, you will slow down. You  
may pick up real reading as of part III, though some may make it thru  
III and only "stutter" in IV.


  -- use check-expect to express your examples/tests
  -- avoid draw.ss exercises, replace them with world.ss but that's a  
non-trivial switch

And holler if you are having trouble -- Matthias

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