from hell to paradise ; ; ; was: [plt-scheme] Prereqs for robotic programming

From: hendrik at (hendrik at
Date: Tue Feb 17 21:43:44 EST 2009

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 04:54:24PM -0500, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
> Robby Findler wrote:
> >On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Prabhakar Ragde <plragde at> 
> >wrote:
> >>fury that from age 14 to 40+, my teachers, my peers, and my field 
> >>conspired
> >>to hide this natural and elegant way of doing things from me. --PR
> >
> >Those bastards!
> Damn straight.
> This week it's "Why the hell did I have to learn the theory of LR 
> parsing with explicit stacks and state transitions instead of 
> mutually-recursive functions?" --PR

It's a completely different algorithm, with quite different 
capabilities.  I think, if you're going to write compilers, you should 
know both, so you'll be able to use the one that suits the language.

-- hendrik

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