[plt-scheme] Combining digits to form numbers
I removed the bugs from the cond condition .
(define check-guess3 (lambda(lsb csb msb target)
[(< (guess lsb csb msb) target) 'Toosmall]
[(= (guess lsb csb msb) target) 'Perfect]
[else 'Toolarge])))
(define guess (lambda (lsb csb msb)
(+(* msb 100)(* csb 10) (* lsb 1))))
For removing the function call twice with the same argument i can i call it
before cond and store the return value in a variable .can it be done like
(define check-guess3 (lambda(lsb csb msb target)
define guess-n (guess lsb csb msb)
[(< guess-n target) 'Toosmall]
[(= guess-n target) 'Perfect]
[else 'Toolarge])))
(define guess (lambda (lsb csb msb)
(+(* msb 100)(* csb 10) (* lsb 1))))
After doing this i get the error
lambda: expected only one expression for the function body, but found at
least one extra part
How can i fix this error?
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