[plt-scheme] It gets shared!
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----- Original Message -----
From: Andrei Estioco
To: plt-scheme at list.cs.brown.edu
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 1:30 AM
Subject: [plt-scheme] It gets shared!
I created a program which will display (in a list) a farey sequence of level n. My code is as follows:
(define-struct farey (num denom))
(define (farey-level n)
(farey-acc (- n 1) (list (make-farey 0 1)
(make-farey 1 1))))
(define (farey-acc n flist)
[(= n 0) flist]
[else (farey-acc (- n 1) (insert-new-farey flist))]))
(define (insert-new-farey flist)
(append (get-first-two flist)
(get-middle flist)
(get-last-two flist)))
(define (get-first-two flist)
(list (first flist)
(get-between flist)
(second flist)))
(define (get-middle flist)
((define (get-mid flist acc)
[(empty? flist) empty]
[(= (length flist) 2) (reverse acc)]
[else (get-mid (rest flist) (cons (first flist) acc))])))
(get-mid (rest (rest flist))
(define (get-last-two flist)
[(empty? (rest (rest flist))) (list (first flist)
(get-between flist)
(second flist))]
[else (get-last-two (rest flist))]))
(define (get-between flist)
(make-farey (+ (farey-num (first flist))
(farey-num (second flist)))
(+ (farey-denom (first flist))
(farey-denom (second flist)))))
I test the code in Advanced Student. I call the function (farey-level 4) and get this result:
> (shared ((-1- (make-farey 0 1)) (-9- (make-farey 1 1)))
(list -1- (make-farey 1 4) (make-farey 1 3) (make-farey 1 2) -9- -1- (make-farey 1 2) (make-farey 2 3) (make-farey 3 4) -9-))
This is not the result I was expecting so I run the code again, this time in Intermediate Student, with the same function call, (farey-level 4). This is the result I get:
(make-farey 0 1)
(make-farey 1 4)
(make-farey 1 3)
(make-farey 1 2)
(make-farey 1 1)
(make-farey 0 1)
(make-farey 1 2)
(make-farey 2 3)
(make-farey 3 4)
(make-farey 1 1))
Now that is the result I was expecting. My question is, why did it get (shared) in Advanced Student? I didn't even use (set!). The only instance I ever encountered (shared) was when I defined a doubly-linked list and, of course, I was expecting it then. Did I make a mistake in my code?
Chad Estioco
BS Computer Science
University of the Philippines-Diliman
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