[plt-scheme] HtDP in Python!
I'm interested in getting reactions to doing programming HtDP style but
in Python. Here is an example.
# Data Definitions:
# a linkedList is either
# + an emptyList
# + an elementList with parts
# * o, where o is an object and
# * ll, where ll is a linkedList
class emptyList(tuple):
# Constructor: nullList: () -> linkedList
def nullList():
return emptyList(())
class elementList (tuple):
def head(self):
return self[0]
def tail(self):
return self[1]
# Constructor: cons: object linkedList -> linkedList
def cons(o, ll):
return elementList((o, ll));
# Contract: length: linkedList -> nat
# Purpose: to count the number of objects in a linkedList
# Example: length(cons('a', cons('b', nullList()))) == 2
# Template:
# def length(ll):
# if isinstance(ll, emptyList):
# return ...
# elif isinstance(ll, elementList):
# return ... ll.head() ... length(ll.tail()) ...
# else:
# raise RuntimeError("length's input not a linkedList")
# Definition:
def length(ll):
if isinstance(ll, emptyList):
return 0
elif isinstance(ll, elementList):
return 1 + length(ll.tail())
raise RuntimeError("length's input not a linkedList")
# Tests:
length(nullList()) == 0
length(cons('a', cons('b', nullList()))) == 2