[plt-scheme] Re: [plt-edu] Re: animation projects, video-game and not

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 9 08:56:03 EST 2009

Yes: the ECOOP talk is about objects.

The continuation talk was a satire on Lisp and is very dated. Read  
the Continue manual instead.

On Feb 9, 2009, at 12:10 AM, David Van Horn wrote:

> Benjamin L.Russell wrote:
>> Assuming the "ECOOP talk" refers to the presentation "How many
>> continuations can dance on the head of a pin" (see
>> http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/Presentations/ilc.html), I'm
>> trying to carry out the examples in the presentation, but some of  
>> them
>> refer to a "/Users/matthias/Unison/Web/HtDP/Extended/webpages.ss"
>> teachpack, without which running the examples results in a "bad  
>> syntax
>> (multiple expressions after identifier)" error.
>> Is there a site from where I can install this teachpack in order to
>> run the examples?
> The ECOOP talk is different.  You can find it here:
>    http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/Presentations/ecoop2004.pdf
> As for the code from the ILC talk, someone else will have to help  
> you with that.  Or you might instead try the web server tutorial  
> included in the documentation:
>    http://docs.plt-scheme.org/continue/index.html
> David
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