[plt-edu] Re: [plt-scheme] behaviour of void?

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Fri Feb 6 16:34:58 EST 2009

On Feb 6, 2009, at 1:28 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> So have you tried this at CalPoly? It sounds too good to be true :-)

Ha!  They won't let my ideas anywhere *near* the intro curriculum; I'm  
officially the 102 coordinator, but we have to teach in C and Java...  
because that's what the EE majors want.  Don't get me started.

To answer your question, then: no, this is all purely hypothetical.  
I'm waiting for the day I can give it a try.


> On Feb 6, 2009, at 4:12 PM, John Clements wrote:
>> On Feb 5, 2009, at 6:23 PM, geb a wrote:
>>> So what kinds of exercises are you looking for?
>> Meta-constructivism!
>> That is, give the students the chance to design tools whose *use*  
>> will help them learn.  These can be "tight-loop" projects like self- 
>> quizzers and grade predictors, or they can be "loose-loop" projects  
>> like time management tools and to-do-list organizers.  Either way,  
>> the students are motivated to do a good job because they actually  
>> want to use the thing itself in order to improve their performance  
>> in this and other classes!
>> John
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