[plt-scheme] behaviour of void?
You could use universe to do a photo-gallery or a tune gallery, kind
of like iPhoto.
Simulate a cell phone (collaborative work) -- Matthias
On Feb 5, 2009, at 9:16 PM, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
> Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> I actually don't know what you want.
> Well, I don't know either. Something that is visual but not a game:
> art, maybe. iTunes visualization. Something that is network-
> oriented but not just putting two things on different machines. Web-
> scraping, or doing something with some Google API.
>> A chat server is all about text and nothing about text, and in
>> contrast to the Hamsup example that we used to run, the universe
>> teachpack is entirely, completely, totally functional.
> I don't remember anything "dys"-functional about that teachpack,
> but it's been a while.
>> If you really don't like your students to be chatty, why not write
>> scientific simulations?
> Because they don't know enough physics, and because I want to stay
> away from the serious issues involved in inexact computation,
> because I can't treat them carefully enough.
>> And, believe it or not, we're open to suggestions: ask and thou
>> shall receive. -- Matthias
> I know that. You folks are terrifically receptive. Just the fact
> that we're having this conversation instead of my being ignored or
> flamed by True Believers. What you've achieved is fantastic. So
> forgive me for using that as a point of departure for thinking
> about issues which probably transcend this particular pedagogical
> tool and what can be done with it. --PR