[plt-scheme] behaviour of void?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 5 09:30:46 EST 2009

On Feb 4, 2009, at 10:51 PM, Marco Morazan wrote:

>> In any case, can anyone share any specific ideas for a "large"  
>> project
> that worked well in your courses?

(Wrong mailing list probably, but here we go)

Freshman games only:
   single machine games:
     -- 'space war' (neu)
     -- 'airplane fire fighting' (wpi)
     --  'worm' (neu)
     -- 'little tetris' (neu)
   distributed games:
     -- 'hangman' (neu)
     -- 'chat noir' (chicago)

All of them can be done as described:
  -- plain recursive functions (lists + structs)
  -- revise to criticism
  -- higher-order function revision (looks like applicative class- 
based programming, if done properly)
  -- state-based revisions (looks like imperative class-based  
programming, if done properly)

You can, if you so wish, re-assign the same problem in Java in the  
second semester. It is an eye-popping experience for most of them to  
see the DR work out perfectly for a Java-based world.

-- Matthias

Posted on the users mailing list.