[plt-scheme] Just an announcement

From: Laurent (laurent.orseau at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Dec 14 11:19:11 EST 2009

If I may...

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 16:03, Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>wrote:

> This really piqued my interest but what does it do? (I didn't see any
> docs.)

>From :

This is an implementation of a gedit snap-open kind of thing for DrScheme.
I'm using Jamis Buck fuzzy finder[1] (which itself was written as a
for the cmd-T function of TextMate) as a base for the internal library,
and the snap open for a GUI template.

The usage is pretty simple, just type the name of the file you want in the
text field and you are good to go.

If your file is inside a directory, you could just type the first letter of
Ex: your file is in ./test1/test2/file
So you can find it by typing file, or, t/t/file or test1/t/file.
I encourage all to try different combinations.

The picture is taken from [2].

[1] http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2008/10/10/coming-home-to-vim
[2] http://www.flickr.com/photos/mostaque/3473034726/

 I didn't test it though (yet?)
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