[plt-scheme] Re: new bug test results for the intermittent file explorer hanging problem previously reported
It seems likely to me that DrScheme is doing something wrong here,
probably in the way it uses threads to keep the event loop for the file
dialog separate from DrScheme's main event loop.
Benjamin: I very much appreciate your detailed bug report.
Unfortunately, I've never found the time (including tracking down the
right version of Windows) to investigate this further.
Currently, I'm looking to the MrEd re-write the way to address this
problem. In the short run, the rewrite will create entirely new
problems, but I think we at least know better how to handle event loops
and avoid the problem that is likely behind the file-dialog bug. I just
need about 3 more months...
At Wed, 9 Dec 2009 18:01:13 +0100, Laurent wrote:
> Apparently Windows is to blame indeed.
> However it's strange that for me this bug only occurs in DrScheme and in no
> other app that I have.
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 17:20, Thomas Holubar <scheme at phirho.com> wrote:
> > Hi Benjamin!
> >
> > If I am not mistaken the Dialog you're referring to is a native system
> > dialog. So the problem would be a Windows responsibility.
> >
> > Actually I've had (and sporadically have) similar issues with the Windows
> > explorer. If you search for <Windows explorer not responding> on the web
> > you'll see that this is quite common.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Thomas
> >
> >
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