[plt-scheme] Send session cookie via get-pure-port

From: Ralf Seliger (admin at kreidestaub.de)
Date: Tue Dec 1 16:28:15 EST 2009


I want to download the contents of a certain news article using 
get-pure-port. I know the exact URL of the article. The site requires a 
session cookie to grant access to article. After registering and logging 
in manually via browser I have determined the name and the value of the 
current session cookie.

Now I figure that all I have to do is call get-pure-port according to 
(get-pure-port URL [header]) and pass along the cookie using the 
optional header parameter. What I can't figure out, though, is how to 
put together the header such that the server accepts the cookie and  
grants access to the article.

Any help would be appreciated.


Ralf Seliger

Posted on the users mailing list.