[plt-scheme] editor lockup in embedded editor-snip%
Here is a 20 line problem that seems to indicate the bug is in the
show method of the vertical-alignment% class. Probably worth
submitting a PR now that the program is a manageable size.
#lang scheme/gui
(require embedded-gui)
(define f (new frame% [label ""][width 200] [height 200]))
(define pb (new aligned-pasteboard%))
(define ec2 (new editor-canvas% [parent f] [editor pb]))
(define code-editor (new text%)) ;; code box's editor
(define val (new vertical-alignment% [parent pb]))
(define code-view (new vertical-alignment%
[parent val]
[show? #t]))
(define code-snip (new stretchable-editor-snip%
[editor code-editor]
[with-border? #t]
[min-width 100]))
(make-object snip-wrapper% code-view code-snip)
(send code-view show #f) (send code-view show #t)
(send f show #t)
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Jordan Johnson<jmj at fellowhuman.com> wrote:
> OK -- yeah, I didn't want to send out the whole thing unless needed, but
> here is a link to a version I've winnowed down to about half the program
> size, but that still exercises the bug:
> http://www.fellowhuman.com/scheme/annotated-snip/
> I've been reproducing it by
> 1) putting the annotated-snip/ dir in my library path
> 2) "setup-plt'ing" it.
> 3) running DrScheme (using current nightly build,
> 4) Insert menu -> Insert Annotated Code Box
> 5) right-click the code box's bitmap -> Hide program text
> 6) right-click the code box's bitmap -> Show program text
> ...after which I can no longer type into the snip's upper text editor.
> (Yes, since my original post I've noticed in playing around further that it
> isn't even necessary to click "Run" to exercise this bug; merely hiding and
> showing the editor suffices.)
> Once again, many thanks for your time.
> Best,
> jmj
> On Aug 20, 2009, at 6:01 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>> That code by itself isn't enough for me to see what's wrong and you
>> could certainly be running across a bug elsewhere in the system. The
>> most useful thing would be a (small!) program that illustrated the
>> problem, but if you can't seem to narrow down, send along what you've
>> got and I'll have a look.
>> Robby
>> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Jordan Johnson<jmj at fellowhuman.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The annotated-code snip I've been working on is now working (thanks in
>>> large
>>> part to help from Matthew & Robby), with the exception of one bug that
>>> has
>>> me baffled. I suspect it involves the locking that happens in
>>> embedded-gui/aligned-pasteboard.
>>> The bug: If I have a snip in the Definitions editor and click "Run"
>>> while
>>> the snip's code-view (defined below) is hidden, it becomes impossible to
>>> edit the text in the code-editor (also defined below). By this I mean
>>> that
>>> when I click or tab into the code editor, the cursor does not appear, and
>>> typing has no effect. Further, this only happens when the editor is not
>>> visible.
>>> Here is the relevant code:
>>> ;;;;;;;;;
>>> ;; anno-snip% is my snip's class.
>>> ;; code-editor is an instance of a subclass of
>>> ;; ((drscheme:unit:get-program-editor-mixin) (tabbable-text-mixin
>>> scheme:text%))
>>> ;; that caches the result of (scheme:text-balanced? this) for display
>>> purposes.
>>> ;; anno-editor is an instance of (tabbable-text-mixin scheme:text%).
>>> ;; The following is from the definition of a subclass of
>>> ;; aligned-pasteboard% that is the editor for an anno-snip%:
>>> (set-tabbing code-editor anno-editor)
>>> ;;;;;;; Container snips for the two editors:
>>> (define val (new vertical-alignment% [parent this]))
>>> ;; Container for the code editor. I'm using this for the ability to
>>> ;; show/hide the editor:
>>> (define code-view (new vertical-alignment%
>>> [parent val]
>>> [show? #f]))
>>> ;; Installs stretchable editor snips, if none are already installed,
>>> ;; to contain the code and anno editors.
>>> ;; (Does nothing if they already are installed, and returns #f.)
>>> ;; Returns #t if successful.
>>> (define (init-snips)
>>> (if (not (or (find-owner-snip code-editor)
>>> (find-owner-snip anno-editor)))
>>> (let ([code-snip (new stretchable-editor-snip%
>>> [editor code-editor]
>>> [with-border? #t]
>>> [min-width MIN-TEXT-WIDTH])]
>>> [anno-snip (new stretchable-editor-snip%
>>> [editor anno-editor]
>>> [with-border? #f]
>>> [min-width MIN-TEXT-WIDTH])])
>>> (make-object snip-wrapper% code-view code-snip)
>>> (make-object hline% code-view)
>>> (make-object snip-wrapper% val anno-snip)
>>> #t)
>>> #f))
>>> (init-snips)
>>> ;;;;;;;;; Interface for showing/hiding code ;;;;;;;;;
>>> (define showing-code #f)
>>> (define/public (showing-code?)
>>> showing-code)
>>> (define/public (show-code on/off)
>>> (send code-view show on/off)
>>> (set! showing-code on/off))
>>> ;;;;;;;;; end of program excerpt.
>>> I have verified that the code-editor is *not* locked for writing,
>>> reflowing,
>>> or reading. Having looked at snip-wrapper.ss and aligned-pasteboard.ss
>>> in
>>> embedded-gui/private/, I am guessing something in the code-editor's or
>>> code-snip's state isn't getting properly restored when it is reinserted
>>> by
>>> show/hide (in snip-wrapper.ss), but I don't know what that piece of state
>>> would be. Any pointers?
>>> Oh, and here's an extra question that may be related: How can I give the
>>> caret to the code editor upon calling (show-code true)? Calling
>>> set-caret-owner on the code-snip's snip-admin doesn't seem to work.
>>> Thanks again for your help.
>>> Best,
>>> jmj
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