[plt-scheme] Registering a new snip type
Hi all,
I've been continuing my work on a snip to represent annotated code,
and am now at the point of needing to integrate it with DrScheme.
(I'd like to test it -- in conjunction with Stephen Bloch's
"inventory" approach -- with one of my classes this fall.) I've got a
brief (2min) demo online here:
I'd like to do the following:
1) create an "Insert" menu item for inserting an empty annotated
expression snip
2) create a "Scheme" menu item for annotating a chosen expression (as
I do in the demo)
3) create similar items in the right-mouse-button context menu for
the Definitions editor
4) ensure that it's evaluated as an ordinary expression in its place
would be
If someone could explain where I should be hooking in for these (or
point me to docs I might be missing), I would appreciate it.
So far, I've added my module to my copy of drscheme/private/eval.ss,
and have been looking at drscheme/private/unit.ss, collects/xml/text-
box.ss, and collects/framework/{scheme,comment-box}.ss as models. The
snip code itself is attached.
Many thanks,
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