[plt-scheme] plot's keyword arguments
Hi folks,
This may be a newbie error. I'm in the Pretty Big language, and say
require 'plot'
then copy-paste the example from
(plot (line (lambda (x) (sin x)))
#:x-min -1 #:x-max 1 #:title "Sin(x)")
and get the error
procedure plot: expects 1 argument plus optional arguments with keywords
#:bgcolor, #:fgcolor, #:height, #:lncolor, #:out-file, #:title, #:width,
#:x-label, #:x-max, #:x-min, #:y-label, #:y-max, and #:y-min, given 7:
#<procedure> #:x-min -1 #:x-max 1 #:title "Sin(x)"
Am I doing something wrong?
------ __@ Gregory A. Marton http://csail.mit.edu/~gremio
--- _`\<,_ 617-775-3005
-- (*)/ (*) Guns cause crime like matches cause arson.