[plt-scheme] Scheme implementation of Fisher-Yates shuffle
Amit Saha wrote:
> Hello all,
> Here is my Scheme implementation of the "modern" version of the
> "Fisher Yates Shuffle"
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle). I am
> sharing this with the hope that it may be useful to someone in the
> community.
> <code>
> #lang scheme
> ;; Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm in Scheme (plt-scheme)
> ;; Amit Saha (http://amitksaha.wordpress.com; amitsaha.in at gmail.com)
> ;; Useful to obtain a random shuffle of a list
> ;; call with (shuffle <your list>)
> (define (shuffle deck)
> (let loop ((n (length deck)) (shuff_deck (list->vector deck)))
> (if (<= n 1)
> shuff_deck
> (begin
> (set! n (- n 1))
> (let* ([rand (random (+ 1 n))]
> [tmp (vector-ref shuff_deck rand)]
> )
> (vector-set! shuff_deck rand (vector-ref shuff_deck n))
> (vector-set! shuff_deck n tmp))
> (loop n shuff_deck)))))
> </code>
Heres the one I wrote a while ago
(define (randomize lst)
(let ((v (list->vector lst)))
(let loop ((max (sub1 (vector-length v))))
(if (= 0 max)
(vector->list v)
(let ((place (random max)))
(let ((tmp (vector-ref v place)))
(vector-set! v place (vector-ref v max))
(vector-set! v max tmp)))
(loop (sub1 max)))))))
Notable differences are I don't set! the index variable, nor do I pass
along the vector in the loop. Otherwise I guess they are about the same.