[plt-scheme] Expressivity gap between formal methods and PL's

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Apr 30 13:48:29 EDT 2009

What are formal languages?

Formal methods are verification systems that somehow establish  
logical properties of software systems (or their models).

On Apr 30, 2009, at 1:37 PM, wooks wrote:

> To what extent can a programming language (of the right type)
> replicate the expressivity of formal languages.
> It seems to me that if an organisation is going to deploy formal
> methods  then it would always make sense to do an implementation in a
> language that as far as possible retains the same expressive
> constructs. I do not see the sense in going straight to an
> implementation language (like the one that begins with a J) for such
> systems. Well ok people may say performance, or the ability to recruit
> staff, but I argue that  it would still seem worth creating an
> executable in a language capable of expressing similar formalisms  as
> an  oracle for testing your final implementation.
> Second question. What is the difference between formal languages and
> modelling languages (is the answer the degree of formalism?).
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