[plt-scheme] Scribble Problem in PLT Scheme 4.1.5
I'll do a quick reload of all my packages and see if any others fail. I'll
fix those immediately by using square brackets. It will take a bit longer to
change all the other instances, but they don't fail.
On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> At Sat, 25 Apr 2009 09:53:35 -0600, Doug Williams wrote:
> > Here is the message.
> >
> > PLaneT packager: Error generating scribble documentation:
> > scribblings\sets.scrbl
> > :128:2: item: illegal use of syntax in: (item (scheme #:fifo) "---"
> (scheme
> > item
> > ) " is inserted at the end of " (scheme set) ". The " (scheme priority)
> ",
> > if p
> > rovided, is ignored.")
> Oh, I see...
> At Sat, 25 Apr 2009 09:46:49 -0600, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> > > > >> > @defproc[(set-insert! (set set?) (item any/c) (priority real?
> 100))
> > > > >> > any]{
> The second argument is called `item'. Scribble originally didn't bind
> argument names in the body of the `defproc'. Now it does, and that's
> how `defproc' communicates to `scheme' so that `@scheme[item]' gets
> typeset as a formal argument.
> Since `item' is bound by this use of `defproc', though, `item' doesn't
> have its usual meaning in the body of the `defproc', and the uses of
> `item' for `itemize' don't work.
> The error message needs to be improved to say something like "illegal
> use of a formal-argument name", and I'll work on that.
> We try to avoid breaking compatibility with old files like this, but
> there was no way around fixing the binding scopes.
> To avoid this binding collisions, you have the usual options: you could
> add `@(define real-item item)' at the top-level and use `real-item'
> inside this particular `itemize', or you could change the formal
> argument name `item' in the `defproc'.
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