[plt-scheme] Scribble Problem in PLT Scheme 4.1.5

From: Doug Williams (m.douglas.williams at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Apr 25 11:04:04 EDT 2009

I had the following in the Scribble documentation for the simulation

@defproc[(set-insert! (set set?) (item any/c) (priority real? 100)) any]{
Create a cell containing @scheme[item] and inserts it into @scheme[set] with
the given @scheme[priority] according to the type of the set.

  @item{@scheme[#:fifo]--- at scheme[item] is inserted at the end of
@scheme[set].  The @scheme[priority], if provided, is ignored.}
  @item{@scheme[#:lifo]--- at scheme[item] is inserted at the beginning of
@scheme[set].  The @scheme[priority], if provided, is ignored.}
  @item{@scheme[#:priority]--- at scheme[item] is inserted into @scheme[set]
according to the @scheme[priority].  If @scheme[priority] is not provided,
the default value of @math{100} is used.}

That worked fine at the time version 3.3 of the simulation collection was
built. [That was Nov. 27, 2008 according to the SVN log, but I'm not sure
what version of PLT Scheme I had loaded at that time.] Now it gives a syntax
error and points to the first item in the itemized list. Removing that one
just moves the error the the second item.

Moving the itemized list outside of the body of the defproc block removes
the error. The closing brace (curly bracket) was moved from the end of the
itemized list up before the itemized list.

@defproc[(set-insert! (set set?) (item any/c) (priority real? 100)) any]{
Create a cell containing @scheme[item] and inserts it into @scheme[set] with
the given @scheme[priority] according to the type of the set.}

  @item{@scheme[#:fifo]--- at scheme[item] is inserted at the end of
@scheme[set].  The @scheme[priority], if provided, is ignored.}
  @item{@scheme[#:lifo]--- at scheme[item] is inserted at the beginning of
@scheme[set].  The @scheme[priority], if provided, is ignored.}
  @item{@scheme[#:priority]--- at scheme[item] is inserted into @scheme[set]
according to the @scheme[priority].  If @scheme[priority] is not provided,
the default value of @math{100} is used.}

Does anyone know what the problem is?

The real problem is that building the Scribble documents failed when the
simulation collection was downloaded from PLaneT using PLT Scheme 4.1.5.
I've updated the PLaneT package so it loads now, but wonder if any other
packages have a similar problem.

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