[plt-scheme] coroutine versus stream

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Apr 18 17:43:30 EDT 2009

It is indeed a well-known fact that streams and coroutines are two  
sides of the same coin. Talcott's 1986 dissertation is the earliest  
theoretical treatment that I know. -- Matthias

On Apr 18, 2009, at 5:38 PM, Jos Koot wrote:

> It seems to me that in many cases the same problem can be solved  
> (for an eager evaluater) both by coroutines and by streams. Both  
> solutions very well show the structure of the principal algorithm  
> as might have been written with a lazy evaluator in mind. Which  
> approach would be preferred in terms of efficiency (time and  
> memory). May be you would like to address other aspects as well.  
> One reason that makes me tend to choose streams, is that the latter  
> seem better suited to automatic code generation from purely lazy code.
> Thanks, Jos
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