[plt-scheme] dual-editor snip

From: Stephen De Gabrielle (spdegabrielle at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Apr 11 07:02:00 EDT 2009

I think someone else was asking about something similar composite snips
problem a couple of weeks ago for a grid. I don't know if they were

Have you tried using the 'File->search in files' menu item to search the
collects/ dir to see how the XML box works? (though if I remember correctly-
it is just one snip - not two)



On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 7:40 AM, Jordan Johnson <jmj at fellowhuman.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to implement a snip similar to DrScheme's comment and XML boxes,
> but containing two distinct text boxes rather than one.  Before I invest
> more time searching for the right way -- I've put in enough time that my
> this-*must*-be-easier alarm bells are going off -- I need to ask which
> classes/methods are the ones I'm after, or, at very least, if there's a
> relevant tutorial out there.
> Here's what I want to accomplish:
>        1) When both parts are visible, the user should be able to click
> into either one to edit its text; the contents will be independent, but the
> boxes should remain stacked (i.e., one should display above the other, in
> fixed order).
>        2) When the snip does not have focus, only one of the two text boxes
> should be visible.
>        3) Ultimately I want to hook into DrScheme and be able to create
> these snips by highlighting text in another editor and selecting a menu
> item, much like "Comment Out with a Box", to populate one of the snip's two
> fields with the selection.
> Currently I'm just trying a simple precursor to (1):  getting DrScheme to
> draw the snip with both areas visible.  Code is below; it does not
> successfully draw the snip.
> What is an appropriate way to manage the two editors the snip contains?
> Thanks,
> Jordan
> === code ===
> #lang scheme/gui
> (define PAD 4)
> (define my-snip%
>  (class snip%
>    (init-field [has-focus? #f]
>                [area1-text (new editor-snip%
>                                [editor (new text%)]
>                                [min-width 20]
>                                [max-width 600])]
>                [area2-text (new editor-snip%
>                                 [editor (new text%)]
>                                 [min-width 20]
>                                 [max-width 600])])
>    (define/override get-extent
>      (lambda (dc x y w h descent space lspace rspace)
>        (when (box? w)
>          (let ([area2-w (box #f)]
>                [area1-w (box #f)]
>                [area1-h (box #f)])
>            (send area1-text get-extent dc x y area1-w area1-h)
>            (send area2-text get-extent dc x (+ y area1-h PAD) area2-w)
>            (set-box! w (max (unbox area2-w area1-w)))))
>        (when (box? h)
>          (let ([area2-h (box #f)]
>                [area1-h (box #f)])
>            (send area1-text get-extent dc x y #f area1-h)
>            (send area2-text get-extent dc x (+ y area1-h PAD) #f area2-h)
>            (set-box! h (+ area2-h area1-h PAD))))
>        ))
>    (define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom
>                           dx dy draw-caret?)
>      (let ([area1-bottom (box #f)])
>        (send area1-text get-extent dc x y #f area1-bottom)
>        (send area1-text draw dc
>              x y left top right area1-bottom
>              dx dy draw-caret?)
>        (send area2-text draw dc
>              x (+ area1-bottom PAD)
>              left (+ area1-bottom PAD)
>              dx dy draw-caret?)))
>    (super-new)
>    ))
> (define s (new my-snip%))  ;; s doesn't render.
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Stephen De Gabrielle
s.degabrielle at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7679 0693 (x30693)
Mobile                  079 851 890 45
Project: Making Sense of Information (MaSI)

UCL Interaction Centre
MPEB 8th floor
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
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