[plt-scheme] build-list for large lists
I was doing some benchmarking of my random-access list package and found
that its build-list often outperformed scheme/base's build-list function
for constructing large lists, which seemed curious.
My data representation for a list is a list of complete binary trees,
and build-list boils down to build-tree, which is defined by recursion
on the size of the tree.
I thought perhaps the performance boost was due to using recursion
rather than iteration and reverse as done in scheme/base build-list, so
I did some comparisons with a recursive definition of build-list, which
indeed does better on large lists.
Finally, the tree-based version still outperforms both the recursive
build-list and the iterative build-list for really large lists. I'm not
sure why.
Anyway, I thought these numbers might be of interest.
#lang scheme
(require (prefix-in ra: (planet dvanhorn/ralist:1:6)))
(require (prefix-in mz: scheme/base))
(define (my:build-list i f)
(let recr ([j 0] [i i])
(cond [(zero? i) empty]
[else (cons (f j)
(recr (add1 j) (sub1 i)))])))
(define id (lambda (i) i))
(define-syntax times
(syntax-rules ()
((times n e)
(begin (collect-garbage)
(time (for ([i (in-range n)]) e))))))
(let ((n 500000))
(times 5 (mz:build-list n id))
(times 5 (ra:build-list n id))
(times 5 (my:build-list n id)))
;; cpu time: 5482 real time: 5490 gc time: 5267
;; cpu time: 836 real time: 858 gc time: 76
;; cpu time: 392 real time: 429 gc time: 76
(let ((n 10000000))
(times 1 (mz:build-list n id))
(times 1 (ra:build-list n id))
(times 1 (my:build-list n id)))
;; cpu time: 7241 real time: 7271 gc time: 6367
;; cpu time: 4920 real time: 4959 gc time: 1953
;; cpu time: 5248 real time: 5283 gc time: 3305