[plt-scheme] Pasteboard in pasteboard and the error: here: I am
At Sat, 04 Apr 2009 22:16:28 +0200, Jens Axel Soegaard wrote:
> Can anyone provide a simple example of a
> pasteboard containing another pasteboard?
> Preferably where the containing pasteboard
> is diplayable (via an editor-snip) in the DrScheme REPL?
Like this?
(let ([pb1 (new pasteboard%)]
[pb2 (new pasteboard%)])
(send pb1
(new editor-snip% [editor pb2])
0 0)
(let ([e (new editor-snip% [editor pb1])])
(send e resize 100 100)
> Anyways, while playing I came upon this error,
> here: I am
> which, well, is not too informative.
> What does it mean, and why does it occur?
Based on the surrounding `when' in the source, I've changed the error
message to
allotted width or height is not positive
But the root of the problem seems to be in adding to a column without
first putting the column's snip into an editor (and so that's still not
a good error message). I hacked `column->snip' like this:
(define (column->snip col frame canvas parent)
(let* ([pasteboard (new vertical-pasteboard%)]
[editor-snip (new aligned-editor-snip% [editor pasteboard]
[min-width 1] [min-height 1])]
[frame (if frame frame
(new frame% [label
"never shown, needed by canvas"]))]
[canvas (if canvas canvas
(new aligned-editor-canvas% [parent frame]
[editor pasteboard]))])
(when parent
(send parent insert editor-snip))
(insert-snips pasteboard
(reverse (map (lambda (e)
(element->snip e frame canvas pasteboard))
(column-elements col))))
(realign pasteboard)
and `element->snip' propagates the parent in the obvious way, while
`column-write' supplies #f as the parent. That seems to make it work.