[plt-scheme] DrScheme project/tabs tool projectmgr.plt

From: Stephen De Gabrielle (spdegabrielle at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Apr 6 10:18:11 EDT 2009

I've just posted an update to the PLaneT package for the DrScheme tool
projectmgr.plt for working with tabs.

* now uses a Project menu item
* will save all tabs (requested)
* buttons removed
* items in file menu removed

It's a simple beast - one file - but I'd appreciate *any* feedback;
* on my code
* on the interface (such that it is)
* on functionality - existing or desired.



Stephen De Gabrielle
s.degabrielle at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Telephone +44 (0)20 7679 0693 (x30693)
Mobile                  079 851 890 45
Project: Making Sense of Information (MaSI)

UCL Interaction Centre
MPEB 8th floor
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

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