[plt-scheme] Moby Scheme - world.ss versus gui-world.ss

From: Ben Simon (benjisimon at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Apr 1 01:35:45 EDT 2009


I know I'm on the bleeding edge here, but I'd like to toss out a question
about Moby Scheme [1].  While writing my first application [2], I came
across some confusion about gui-world.ss and world.ss.

>From what I can tell, you can either build your app based  on gui-world.ss
and have access to buttons and message boxes, or, you can build it on
moby/stub/world.ss in which case you have access to location and tilt

Attempting to import both libraries raise the error:

(require moby/stub/world)
(require gui-world/gui-world)
module: identifier already imported from a different source

So, how can I get the GUI controls from gui-world and Android specific stuff
from world.ss?

I must say - Moby Scheme is a fun project, and I really love the direction
it's heading.


[1] - http://list.cs.brown.edu/pipermail/plt-scheme/2009-March/031703.html
[2] -
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