[plt-scheme] syntax-case vs. #lang scheme/base

From: Jakub Piotr Cłapa (jpc-ml at zenburn.net)
Date: Thu Oct 16 14:17:25 EDT 2008

Michael Sperber wrote:
> "Carl Eastlund" <cce at ccs.neu.edu> writes:
>> On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 5:19 AM, Michael Sperber
>> <sperber at deinprogramm.de> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the quick answers, Carl and Dave!  Now, I did try this:
>>> (require-for-syntax scheme/base)
>>> which doesn't work, but which I always assumed to be synonymous to the
>>> above.  How is it different?
>> It's obsolete - require-for-syntax is a PLT v3xx-ism; (require
>> (for-syntax ...)) is a PLT 4.x-ism.
> Arglll ... I see that it's not even bound in scheme/base, but the #%app
> error message keeps me from even seeing that.  Thanks!

This is probably a common mistake when migrating from 3xx. I was bitten 
by that as well.

Maybe a special case could be made to detect require-for-syntax?

Jakub Piotr Cłapa

Posted on the users mailing list.