[plt-scheme] type signature for a multi-parameter function of a fixed number of arguments in Typed Scheme?

From: Carl Eastlund (cce at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Thu Oct 16 06:31:48 EDT 2008

You can write both multiple-argument and curried functions in Typed
Scheme, but you have to remember to distinguish the two in your
definitions and type specifications.  A multiple argument function is
applied once to multiple arguments, and uses a type signature like (A
B -> C).  A curried function is applied multiple times, usually to one
argument each, and uses a type signature like (A -> (B -> C)).  Here
is code for both that runs without error in Typed Scheme:

#lang typed-scheme

(: regular-plus (Number Number -> Number))
(define (regular-plus a b)
  (+ a b))

(: curried-plus (Number -> (Number -> Number)))
(define ((curried-plus a) b)
  (+ a b))

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 6:11 AM, Benjamin L. Russell
<DekuDekuplex at yahoo.com> wrote:
> This time, I would like to write a type signature for a
> multi-parameter function of a fixed number of arguments in Typed
> Scheme, but the documentation ("Typed Scheme: Scheme with Static
> Types" at http://docs.plt-scheme.org/typed-scheme/) is not clear on
> this.
> I know how to write a type signature for a function of one argument;
> e.g.:
> #lang typed-scheme
> (: fac (Number -> Number))
> (define (fac n)
>  (if (= n 0)
>      1
>      (* n (fac (- n 1)))))
>> (fac 5)
> - : Number
> 120
> I also know how to write a type signature for a function of zero
> arguments; e.g.:
> #lang typed-scheme
> (: hello-world-function (-> Void))
> (define (hello-world-function)
>  (display "Hello, world!\n"))
>> (hello-world-function)
> Hello, world!
> Additionally, I know how to write a type signature for a function of a
> variable number of arguments:
> #lang typed-scheme
> (: my-plus-variable (Number * -> Number))
> (define (my-plus-variable . ns)
>  (if (null? ns)
>      0
>      (+ (car ns) (apply my-plus-variable (cdr ns)))))
>> (my-plus-variable)
> - : Number
> 0
>> (my-plus-variable 1 2)
> - : Number
> 3
>> (my-plus-variable 1 2 3)
> - : Number
> 6
> However, I don't know how to write a type signature for a function of
> a fixed number n of arguments, where n > 1.  Here are my attempts to
> write a function, my-plus, which takes exactly two arguments n1 and
> n2, and returns their sum:
> #lang typed-scheme
> (: my-plus Number -> Number -> Number)
> (define (my-plus n1 n2)
>  (+ n1 n2))
> . <unsaved editor>:3:0: type declaration: too many arguments in: (:
> my-plus Number -> Number -> Number)
> Here's another attempt:
> #lang typed-scheme
> (: my-plus (Number -> (Number -> Number)))
> (define (my-plus n1 n2)
>  (+ n1 n2))
> . <unsaved editor>:4:0: typecheck: Expected function with 1 argument,
> but got function with 2 arguments in: (define (my-plus n1 n2) (+ n1
> n2))
> .
> I want to pass my-plus two separate arguments of type Number, n1 and
> n2, and return their sum.  This is how my function is written in
> regular #lang scheme:
> #lang scheme
> (define (my-plus n1 n2)
>  (+ n1 n2))
>> (my-plus 1 2)
> 3
> Can somebody please explain how I can write this function in Typed
> Scheme?
> Also, does Typed Scheme support currying (from the results that I have
> seen so far, apparently it doesn't)?
> -- Benjamin L. Russell

Carl Eastlund

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