[plt-scheme] How to make the following code more clear?
#lang typed-scheme
(: selectionsort (∀ (α) ((Listof α) (α α -> Boolean) -> (Listof
;; gen. rec.: repeatedly pick/remove the largest value wrt <=, create
lists from it
(define (selectionsort l0 <=)
(: max (α α -> α))
(define (max n m) (if (<= n m) m n))
(: = (α α -> Boolean))
(define (= n m) (and (<= n m) (<= m n)))
(: largest ((cons α (Listof α)) -> α))
;; pick the largest value from the list
(define (largest lst)
(foldr max (car lst) (cdr lst)))
(: remove ((Listof α) α -> (Listof α)))
;; remove the given value from the list
(define (remove lst val)
[(= (car lst) val) (cdr lst)]
[else (cons (car lst) (remove (cdr lst) val))]))
(: aux ((Listof α) -> (Listof α)))
(define (aux l)
[(null? l) '()]
[else (let ([m (largest l)]) (cons m (aux (remove l m))))]))
(aux l0))
(equal? (selectionsort '(2 1 4 3) <=) '(4 3 2 1))
(equal? (selectionsort '(2 1 4 3) >=) '(1 2 3 4))