[plt-scheme] HtDP 17.7.1-4 - Diff between name-of-function and function-name

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Oct 4 10:39:29 EDT 2008

1. You are over-interpreting the distinction of "function name" and  
"name of a function" in English. Same thing.

2. One of the purposes of this exercise is to learn to keep  
"information" (real Scheme) separate from "data" (your chosen  
representation of Scheme expressions).

I don't have time to comment in detail. Good luck -- Matthias

On Oct 2, 2008, at 12:23 PM, dave yrueta wrote:

> Hi All --
> Two questions about exercises 17.4.*.
> The terms of these exercises suggests a significant difference between
> a function-name and name-of-function.
> Is a function-name a symbol and a name-of-function a variable, where
> A function-definition(fd) is a structure
> (make-fd f-name p-name f-body) where
> f-name is a symbol, p-name is a symbol and f-body is a scheme-
> expression, and;
> A name-of-function(fn) is the variable in the sentence
> (define fn fd)
> where define is a keyword, fn is a variable and fd is function-
> definition, and;
> A function-application (fa) is a structure, where
> (make-fa fn arg)
> where fn is a name-of-function and arg is a scheme-expression?
> If this is the case, then I have a follow-up question for exercise
> 17.7.4:  what is the meaning of Step 2, which instructs "evaluate- 
> with-
> defs" to "look up the definition of P is defs?"
> Example:,
> (define(f x) (+ 3 x) is translated to name-of-function
> (define f (make-fd 'f 'x (make-add 3 'x))), and;
> (define (h u) (f (* 2 u))) is translated to name-of-function
> (define h(make-fd 'h 'u(make-fa f (make-mul 2 'u))))
> ;;evaluate-with-defs: scheme-expression list-of-defs > error or number
> ;;consumes a scheme-expression and a list-of-function-definitions:
> returns an error if the ;;original scheme-expression is not numeric,
> or if a function found as an arg for a function-;;application is not
> listed in the list-of-defs; otherwise, returns a number
> Examples:
> 1. (not(evaluate-with-defs 3 (list h))), since f is embedded in h, and
> f is not present in list-of-defs
> 2. (evaluate-with-defs 3 (list f h)) returns 12
> 3. (not(evaluate-with-defs (f 3) (list h)))
> 4. (evaluate-with-defs (f 3) (list f h))) returns 18
> My initial solution to this problem is this:
> (define(evaluate-with-defs sx lofP)
>  (cond
>   [(empty? lofP)(evaluate-expression sx)]
>   [else (evaluate-with-defs(evaluate-with-one-def sx (first lofP))
> (rest lofP)))]))
> The second condition would begin by applying f to 3, returning 6, and
> then recurring.  Next, it would apply h to 6.  While doing so, it
> would find that h is defined as a function-application of f to (* 2
> u). At that point, it would "look-up" f in lofP to find its'
> definition.  However, f has already been tossed after the first
> recursive call, so it would presumably return an error, which is not
> correct.
> Is the solution to add a second parameter to evaluate-with-defs:  
> "lofP-
> index" which would serve as a look-up index for all function-
> definitions listed in the original "lofP?"  If this is the case, then
> all the previous functions would have to be retrofitted to carry this
> index parameter.  That doesn't seem right.
> Further, what is the point of "looking-up" the function-definition f
> in lofP when the function-definition is present in the name-of-
> function attribute of the function-application?  The only way this
> would make sense to me is if the name-of-function attribute  was meant
> to be a symbol, and not a variable. If that's the case, then my
> approach to solving this and the previous exercise is wrong.
> For completeness, here are the rest of my data-definitions and my
> version of the solution to 17.7.3:
> Thanks,
> Dave Yrueta
> Data Defs:
> An "add" is a structure
> (make-add left right)
> where left and right are both Scheme-Expressions
> An "mul" is a structure
> (make-mul left right)
> where left and right are both Scheme-Expressions
> A Scheme-Expression (SX) is either
> 1. a number
> 2. a symbol
> 3. an add structure
> 4. a mul structure
> 5. a function-application (fa)
> ;;17.7.3
> ;;evaluate-with-one-def: sx P > error or Scheme Expression
> ;;consumes a Scheme Expression and a Function-Definition, and returns
> either an 'error ;;or the evaluated Scheme Expression
> (define(evaluate-with-one-def sx P)
>   (cond
>     [(numeric? sx)
>      (cond
>        [(number? sx)(evaluate-expression(subs(fd-p-name P)sx(fd-f-body
> P)))]
>        [else(evaluate-with-one-def (evaluate-expression sx)P)])]
>     [else 'error]))
> ;;subst:symbol number scheme-expression > scheme-expression
> ;;consumes a symbol, number and scheme-expression, substitutes all
> instances of the ;;symbol appearing in the scheme-expression with the
> number, and then returns a ;;structurally equivalent expression.
> (define(subs sym num sx)
>   (cond
>     [(mul? sx)(make-mul (subs sym num (mul-left sx))(subs sym num  
> (mul-
> right sx)))]
>     [(add? sx)(make-add (subs sym num (add-left sx))(subs sym num  
> (add-
> right sx)))]
>     [(fa? sx) (evaluate-with-one-def(subs sym num (fa-arg sx))(fa-fn
> sx))]
>     [(number? sx)sx]
>     [(symbol=? sym sx)num]
>     [else sx]))
> (define(numeric? sx)
>   (cond
>     [(number? sx)true]
>     [(struct? sx)(test-struc sx)]
>     [else false]))
> (define(test-struc sx)
>   (cond
>     [(mul? sx)(and(numeric? (mul-left sx))(numeric? (mul-right sx)))]
>     [else (and(numeric? (add-left sx))(numeric? (add-right sx)))]))
> (define(evaluate-expression nx)
>   (cond
>     [(boolean=? (numeric? nx)false)'error]
>     [else (process-nx nx)]))
> (define(process-nx nx)
>   (cond
>     [(number? nx)nx]
>     [(mul? nx)(*(evaluate-expression (mul-left nx))(evaluate-
> expression (mul-right nx)))]
>     [else (+(evaluate-expression (add-left nx))(evaluate-expression
> (add-right nx)))]))
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