[plt-scheme] Working with database using scheme language
I have set up a connection to the database using postgreSQL but I have a few
questions while running the following queries:
> (send a-connection map a-statement *proc*)
map : Statement (field ... -> 'a) -> (list-of 'a)
Executes a SQL query and applies the given function to the contents
of each row, returning a list of results.
> (send a-connection for-each a-statement *proc)*
for-each : Statement (field ... -> void) -> void
Executes a SQL query and applies the given function to the contents
of each row, discarding the results.
> (send a-connection mapfilter a-statement *map-proc* *filter-proc*)
mapfilter : Statement (field ... -> 'a) (field ... -> boolean) -> (list-of
Like 'map', but applies the map procedure (given first) to only
those rows which satisfy the given predicate (given second).
> (send a-connection fold a-statement *proc* init)
fold : Statement ('a field ... -> 'a) 'a -> 'a
What should be the structure of the proc...? Can you send me one entire
example which explains the use of "*proc*" as well as "map-proc" and
"filter-proc" and their structure or the body of these functions....?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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